
New term, new date

Another term awaits and with it our rehearsals start again. This time, they'll be taking place every tuesday from 4-7 pm.

Looking forward to meeting old veterans and newbies alike :)


Impro in real life.

It was about time someone publish something on this blog. It's not even to announce anything, or to say something smart. Just to share some fun. Watch the video ;)


Join us !

Improvisational theater - the art of creating magical stories within the blink of an eye, the challenge of walking onto the stage without knowing what will happen, the spontaneous step into the unknown. If you would like to meet new people and dive into the depths of impro theater with us, come meet us on Thursday, April 5th. We promise you fun, creativity and fascinating adventures on stage. Training for experts and beginners alike will be held weekly on Thursday from 4-6 pm in C02-235 (in English, of course). 
For more infos, write an e-mail to englishimprogroup@googlemail.com
We’re looking forward to your participation.